Who is TODOparaSMARTPHONES.com ?
www.TODOparaSMARTPHONES.com it´s a Mexican company established in 1997 that offers and distributes mobile phone accessories in México.
We distribute original and premium name brands in the mobile phone industry. Wholesale, reatail and corporate clients.
Our warehouse is in Monterrey, NL México and we have real ready to ship inventory.
More than 2,000 different products are availabre for immediate purchase, we ship directly to your address, next day shipping.
Please contact us for further details :
Asia Pacific Group de México, S.A. de C.V.
Jeronimo Treviño # 311 Ote , Col. Centro
Monterrey, NL, Mexico 64000
Phone : (81) 11581555 , 11581666 , 11581777
e-Mail: ventas@TODOparaSMARTPHONES.com